Color Picker

Search Engine Optimization

Color Picker

CSS Color

About Color Picker

Color values are selected and adjusted using a color picker. Instead of typing in alphanumeric text values, users in graphic design and image editing often pick colors using an interface with a visual representation of a color—organized with quasi-perceptually appropriate hue, saturation, and lightness dimensions (HSL). Many interfaces seek to clarify the connections between colors since color appearance is dependent on the comparison of nearby hues.

When dealing with graphics, you'll frequently need to match text, a form, or another image to a specific hue. If you're generating artwork for a marketing campaign, a major presentation, or user documentation, you'll almost certainly need to adhere to brand requirements that contain a certain color palette. Of course, you could memorize the color values for all of your brand's colors and input them every time you need to choose a hue, but this may be time-consuming. You're better off utilizing a color picker instead.

How To Use A Color Picker To Create Perfect Color Matches

Almost all software and online image and text editing applications include a color picker. It lets you customize the colors of visual components in a document or graphic, such as text and shapes. Most image and video editing software now include a capability that allows you to identify a color in an image using its RGB or hexadecimal (HEX) values.

When using a color picker, you may click a space that contains a color to have it displayed in the color picker. After you've decided on a color, you may use it to create shapes, text, and other components on the canvas. This makes it possible to exactly follow brand requirements or have a continuous theme. In most color pickers, an eyedropper icon indicates the color matching feature. I'll show you how to utilize Snagit's color picker to match an exact color in an image in the three stages that follow.